
- 阅491

揭秘9.3大阅兵背后的故事 Stories behind the Military Parade Villages There is a Military Parade Village at Yangfang town, Changping district, in the north of Beijing. The village, rebuilt from a local shooting range several months ago, has......


- 阅240

莫斯科获评世界最不友好城市 With its unhelpful locals and general aloofness, Moscow has been dubbed the unfriendliest city in the world. 莫斯科由于不乐于助人的居民和整体的冷漠氛围,获得了世界上最不友好城市的称号。 The US and France also fare......


- 阅254

如今,在这个强调速度与高效的社会里,人们的生活节奏也变得越来越快,做事时常常要一心多用,导致脑负荷太重,导致张口忘词,做事不过脑子或突然冒出无厘头蠢话等脑子短路(brain fart)的事时有发生。 It happens to you all the time. Youre mid-sentence d......


- 阅295

《湛江宣言》全文(双语) 2015年7月17日,第十五届中国网络媒体论坛在湛江圆满落幕。会议达成并通过了《中国网络媒体湛江宣言》,由中国日报网总编辑韩蕾在闭幕式上宣读。 以下为《湛江宣言》双语对照全文: Working to build an online Silk Road and faci......


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比尔盖茨的夏季读书清单 Last year, there was only one book on my summer reading list that you could reasonably call a beach read. This year I tried to pick a few more things that are on the lighter side. Each of these books made me think or......


- 阅249

中国银行间市场开放 央行14日发布《中国人民银行关于境外央行、国际金融组织、主权财富基金运用人民币投资银行间市场有关事宜的通知》,中国银行间市场对境外机构投资者的开放程度进一步提升。 File photo of Chinas Central Bank 请看相......


- 阅176

刷爆朋友圈的涂色书 一本正文只有264个字的书,却在全世界掀起了一大股风潮!说它刷爆了全世界的朋友圈也不为过!人们在facebook,Instagram,甚至youtube上分享他们的读书心得。它就是只有黑白线稿的无字天书,经典的成人涂色书《秘密花园》。 请看外媒的报......


- 阅201

新应用让你拍出动态照片 Why take a photo when you can take a PHHHOTO? New app creates hypnotic animated loops instead of everyday snapshots A new app promises to revolutionise the way we take pictures, creating hypnotic animated loops of ev......


- 阅186

Call it a daddy-daughter date night. With beer. And root beer. And hair braiding. 就叫它父女约会之夜吧。有啤酒。有根汁汽水。还有梳辫子。 Beer and Braids is an event dreamed up by Denver, Colorado salon owner Calli Huebl-Bodilis. Her Envogu......


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那些年拒绝约会时用过的借口 From fake emergencies to dead pets, people reveal the most awful excuses theyve ever used to get out of going on a date Turning down a date can be tricky, particularly when you dont feel comfortable to blurt out:......

惊艳的海底世界 与海豹和大白鲨亲密接触

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意大利小三电话骚扰正室被罚300欧元 Italian woman who revealed affair to lovers wife fined for harassment An Italian woman who made anonymous calls to her lovers wife to tell her of their affair has been told she must pay a 400 (287) fine fo......


- 阅141

There is nothing quite like the sinking feeling that comes with turning over a test paper and realising you dont know what the answers are. 翻开试卷却发现不知从何下手,没什么比这更让人内心崩溃了。 These pictures reveal some of the comical......


- 阅215

时钟今天将显示出11:59:60时间之神添加的闰秒。 Airlines, trading floors and technology companies are braced for chaos today as world timekeepers prepare to add a leap second to global clocks. 世界钟表今天要给全球的钟表加一闰秒,因此航班、......


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英三成毕业生从事非专业岗位 A third of new graduates get jobs which dont require degrees One in three new graduates are doing jobs that do not require degrees such as working in call centres, waiting on tables and stacking shelves, statisti......


- 阅132

The hated mobile phone roaming charges that blight tourists trips around Europe are set to be abolished - but youll have to wait until 2017 for it to happen. 糟心的漫游费曾毁掉多少人的美好欧洲行,现在它终于要被取消了不过要等到2017年哦。 Th......


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They say the best things in life are free. 人们常说,生命中最美妙的事情都是无价的。 A Reddit user asked people from around the world what lifes most simple pleasures were, one of which was getting in your own bed after a long journey. 一位......


- 阅272

The idea of spending a year away from home is something that appeals to nearly everyone. So why is taking a gap year still considered the wildcard? 几乎每个人都有想要出门放空一年的想法。但为何这样的举动仍被认为是疯狂的呢? For a teenage st......


- 阅256

7 Things to Do to Spice Up Your Boring Life 7件事情要做你枯燥的生活增添情趣 When you feel like your life is getting really boring, you should do all possible things to spice up your life. 当你觉得你的生活真的很无聊,你应该做一切可能的事情为......


- 阅216

1.Avoid Thinking You Have It All Figured Out 避免认为你已经搞懂了一切 Modern education has trapped us into thinking learning only takes place during school. Just because you finished high school and maybe have a college degree doesnt mean......