
- 阅228

Weve all heard the statistic that up to 90% of communication is non-verbal in nature. Body language is important. But what actually is good body language? How do we learn to speak body language? 据数据显示自然界中90%的交流都是无声的。肢体......


- 阅269

6 Sentences You Should Never Tell Your Good Friends 1.Let me just check my cell phone 我看看电话 Cell phones ruin many relationships and friendships. If you are always checking your phone, your friend may get the signal that he or she is n......


- 阅347



- 阅229


中英双语话中国名校 第6期:北京理工大学

- 阅192

Beijing Institute of Technology 北京理工大学 General information 基本概况 Beijing Institute of Technology(BIT) is a state hey university,and an open,international and research-oriented university of science,engineering and humanities wi......


- 阅168

These are the six exercises that any office worker can do at their desk to stay healthy. 这里介绍六种在办公桌边就能进行的运动方式,能让上班族保持健康状态。 The simple moves, including a chest stretch and a chair twist, were designed by phy......


- 阅206

The rich are set to become God-like cyborgs in what could be the biggest evolution in biology since life emerged. 富人们将变成会成为上帝般的电子人,这将可能是人类有史以来在生物方面最大的进化。 This is according to Yuval Noah Harari, a prof......


- 阅153

Fifteen years ago, as the head of China research at UBS, I was threatened by two Chinese companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. One of the two, Greencool Technology, sued me and my employer for libel. The other, Euro-Asia Agricu......


- 阅237

From heelgate to the Palm Dog to the Dad bod its been a dizzying 12 days. Here are nine lessons from the film festival as it draws to a close. 从高跟鞋门到金棕榈狗狗奖(Palm Dog),再到迅速走红的老爹身材(Dad bod),戛纳电影展的这12天,真......

中英双语话中国名校 第4期:北京工业大学

- 阅178

中英双语话中国名校 第4期:北京工业大学 Beijing University of Technology 北京工业大学 General Information 基本概况 Beijing University of Technology was built in 1960 and is a key university under the jurisdiction of the Beijing Municipal Gove......


- 阅105

A small number of very premature babies are surviving earlier outside the womb than doctors once thought possible, a new study has documented, raising questions about how aggressively they should be treated and posing implications for the......


- 阅221

Youve tried a warm bath, a hot, milky drink and even counting sheep, but youre still lying wide awake wondering why you cant fall asleep. 你肯定试过洗热水澡,喝热牛奶甚至数着小羊让自己入眠,可是还是异常清醒,搞不懂为啥就是睡不着。 Now, one......


- 阅203

The reign of the silver fox has been long and glorious. 银发盛行的时代由来已久且极受欢迎。 George Clooney, Robbie Williams and even The Great British Bake Offs Paul Hollywood have capitalised on their distinguished grey barnets, oozing sty......


- 阅254

If you feel a pang of guilty pleasure when you read celebrity tittle-tattle, dont be too hard on yourself。 如果你每次看到明星小道消息都会感到一阵自责,不必如此为难自己。 Hearing juicy gossip about famous people apparently fires up the bra......


- 阅230

Forget the protein shakes, chocolate milk may be the best thing to drink after you workout. 忘掉蛋白质奶昔吧,巧克力奶或许才是运动后的最佳饮品。 Scientists have found that the beverage has all the nutrients that your body needs to replenis......


- 阅305

While the Right Bank of Paris has seen internationalism and the irrepressible rise of bobos (the Parisian form of hipsters) change its landscape in recent years, the Left Bank has been able to preserve the soul of the French capital. Walk......


- 阅683

First thing in the morning, I check Twitter, only to have it list off for me all the ways Ive already fallen behind. A colleague has released a new e-book. Two of my design heroes are announcing a collaborative project. One of my old colle......


- 阅389

1.The middle class live comfortably, the rich embrace being uncomfortable 中等收入的人生活得舒适,而有钱人则找罪受 Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It may get tough, but its a small price to pay for livin......


- 阅559

Life is short. It may feel like it takes forever sometimes, but the reality is that you live, and a short time later, you die. It happens so quickly, many people dont even realize they had a life until its already over。 生命如此短暂。我们......

吃货有福啦 KFC推出可食用咖啡杯

- 阅139

Fresh from the debut of its Double Down Dog, KFC has unveiled its newest product: an edible coffee cup. 继新品Double Down Dog热狗推出之后,肯德基再次推出另一款新产品:可食用的咖啡杯。 The cup, named the Scoff-ee Cup is made from biscuit, w......